Crossover inductors


Kismet 3




DIY is very important. All the famous and best designers were DIYers above all. You must comply with your desire of knowledge: this desire might be the source of inspiration for every DIYer.

DIY is not only a way to save money, it's a modus-vivendi. Of course, saving money is a perfect reason to be DIYers! Anyway, there must be a desire of knowledge: a kit must be an excuse for experimenting and understanding.

I read that DIY is the only way to reach the best results. I think this is totally wrong, a complete misunderstanding of the roll of DIY. I repeat it again: DIY is a way for experimenting and understanding. A stage to the best results. These ones come from passion, knowledge, experience, ideas, background, method and cunning. In every DIYer might hide a great designer.

Read on POSITIVE FEEDBACK the new article on KISMET 3.

We wish you all a good listening. And have a good time.


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